Friday, February 24, 2012

Read Write Think

Read Write Think is offered by the International Reading Association and the National Council of Teachers of English. Use the filter at the left to sort for the grade level and content. Search under Student Interactives.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Teachers Domain k-12

Teachers' Domain is a free resource for digital media from PBS. There is a registration page first. Learn how to find the resources and use the filters and saving the resources.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Sponge Lab - Biology

Sponge Lab has a long list of awards and covers an array of topics that surrounds science. History, math, teaching science etc. You can sign up for free with the site being something of a content management system. You can personalize the content. Be aware that the content you place there will be Sponge Labs.
I took a look at the build a body interactive, it is not anatomically correct. You can build different systems of the body. Case studies of diseases are avalable.
In personal information the users can change to Canadian French, but content can be sorted by English, Spanish, French and German. Geared to grades 7 up to post-graduate.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Math Learning Objects - Interactivate

Change the function, Change the World. This site has at least 150 interactive learning objects that can be sorted by grade and math subject. Number and OperationsGeometryAlgebraProbabilityStatisticsModelingDiscreteTrigonometryCalculus

Friday, February 17, 2012

PBS Nature videos and interactives

Click on "For Educators" to sort by grand level, video segment, current season.
By the Educational Broadcasting Corporation

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Web-based Lab Activities for Science

Virtual Courseware Project from California State University LA. The content is geared to high school with some middle school. Web-based lab activities that enhance
the learning and teaching of a range of science disciplines.
Inquiry based Earth and Life Science This one needs teacher registration, but is free.
Geology Labs online
Earth and Environmental Science - simulations and tutorials (Also Spanish)
Biology Labs online

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Interactive Number Line for Whiteboards

Try this number line for your whiteboard. It was designed for differentiation in your classroom. Click on idea to learn how to use it.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Periodic Table of Videos

The following website has a video for each element. It is formated as the periodic table. You will need access to YouTube.

Secret Annex Online

Nice example of multimedia to go along with a book, the Anne Frank 3D hiding place in Amsterdam. If you have ever been in the house you will note that you saw no furnishings. In one respect this virtual house helps visualization of the way it looked by adding furnishings as Anne described them. The site can be changed to English, Dutch or German.

Learn Chemistry ages 5-18+

The Royal Society of Chemistry has a few thousand chemistry interactives with lessons. There is a nice filter shown below. It has something to offer for all grade levels. There is career information, posters you name it.
The periodic table lends itself to a mirad of ways to teach about the elements. RSC has its own virtual periodic table.