Monday, January 30, 2012

Science Writer 5-12

CAST Science Writer, supports students in writing lab and class reports. This tool is geared toward middle school and high school students. It uses animated characters to talk the student through the steps of writing.

Friday, January 27, 2012

National Library of Virtual Manipulatives

Utah State University has given us an organized K12 list of interactive math manipulatives in an easy to use graphic table. It is beautifully done and easy to use. The games can be translated in a few different languages.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Let's not forget the music!

Most of our links within this site are for the core content area. We know that math and music go hand in hand. Explore interactive learning that teaches music theory.
Learn the Note Name and sound with the interactive below.
Another interactive site for music theory.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012 K-12 to adult is produced by the Annenburg Foundation. It has K-12 interactives in the arts, foreign language, literature & language arts, mathematics, science , social studies and history. Some resources can be purchased, but look around for the free high quality resources.
Example: The interdisciplinary units at Journey North. High interest and student centered learning.

Interdisciplinary Algebraic Concepts grades 5-12

GET THE MATH is about algebra in the real world. Students view a video of a professional and the challenge to solve real life problems working in fashion, videogame design, and music production use algebraic thinking by viewing the video as well as other interactives. There are additional challenges on the website as well as contests.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Science Net Links - K12

The Science Net Links site is produced by the American Association for the Advancement of Science. At Science NetLinks, you'll find teaching tools, interactives, podcasts, and hands-on activities for all grade levels.

An example is Harnessing Power: Power Play
Your mission is to get the jobs on the top right done using the power sources on the top left. To do that, you'll have to build machines by connecting the pieces in the bottom middle.
To build your machine, click on one of the parts in the bottom of the screen, and then drag it into one of the three spaces. Try to do it as fast as possible. Once your machine works, click 'NEXT' to go on to a new challenge.”

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Sing Math and Science Concepts by Scholastic

Study Jams by Scholastic has math and science study helps with karaoke and video explanations as well as vocabulary and test yourself features. The site does not differentiate the content by grade level, but it is good for differentating by interest.
Try singing along with a data analysis tune on the link below. You can hear the song sung or turn off the vocal for kareoke. The lyrics are shown on the screen as the song plays.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Language Arts, History, Geography, Science, Math

Mr. Nussbaum “1000 sites in one” may come close to his claim. Check the site map for a good overview. There are interactive links for math, language arts, science, history, geography. The site has a guide that orders resources by grade level to help with personalizing the learning.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Math and STEM Interactive Resources

NRICH is a joint project between the Faculties of Mathematics and Education at The University of Cambridge and has mathematics and STEM activities for all grades K-12 as well as a news letter, monthly themed math problems and teaching helps. Good for ELL too.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Video Explanations by Khan Academy

A list of readymade resources would be remiss if Khan Academy
did not show up somewhere! Scroll to the bottom and see the numerous video explanations.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Differentiate with the Utah Education Network interactives

Give yourself some time to look through this resources. The list of interactives are listed in several different ways. There is something for every content and developmental level.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Science Simulations

Need to differentiate or personalize your lessons? Use the PhET site. It has physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics and other simulations for students to explore content concepts for all grade levels K-16. This site has the ability to change language for ELL students.

What's in the name? The site is from Colorado University and originally the PhET website focused on physics, Physics Education Technology, or PhET. All PhET simulations are free and are easy to use and incorporate into the classroom. They are written in Java and Flash, and can be run using a standard web browser as long as Flash and Java are installed.
This link brings you to the available translations.